Saturday, May 7, 2011

Le chocolatier

When the chocolatier employees set off for work one Monday morning they found, to their horror, that the chocolatier was on fire!

When the fire inspectors came, they sifted through the damage and found all kinds of hazards.

It turned out that an employee had left one of the chocolate melting machines on overnight. The manager thought she should be sacked, so the committee had to make a big descision.

Luckily, the committee found that there were overcircumstances that led up to this event, so they decided not to sack the employee. Everybody had to undergo fire safety training so that it wouldn't happen again.

The company decided to build new premises and had to decide on where was a good place for their new chocolatier. They were also invited to draw up plans for this new build and contribute to the designs for the shop front.

One day, a very strange French visito arrived, claiming to have a new delicious kind of chocolate. Quality control tasted it and got a 'marmite' reaction, some loved it, some hated it. We later found out it was 'mustard' flavoured and the recipe had been stolen from our sister company in Paris!

As soon as the new Chocolatier was up and running, company members set to work creating their new chocolates.

After the council intervened and requested that all products be Fair trade (as was customary in this new town) a lady called Malie came from Costa Rica to talk to us about cacao and also fair trade. Company members decide to create leaflets and booklets to inform their customers.

Le Chocolatier was a highly successful mantle that covered English, Geography, ICT, DT, art, some science and maths. Skills such as problem solving, collaborative working and developing independence were key.

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